MultiScript Changes Data on query

Hello all, I have a support ticket open with Red Gate and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere. My problem is that I'm querying 65 SQL servers to get data into a file to import to another server. So upon collecting the data I notice that the UniqueIdentifier field data has been modified from its original format. In Sql Mgmt studio it displays it correctly but in mutliscript it mods it. Has anyone come across this same issue? any help is greatly appreciated.
Many thnaks for your patience.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
Kindly let us know if that fixed the issue.
Product Support
Redgate Software Ltd.
Multiscript was incorrectly returning the binary representation of the guid rather than the standard string representation.
The following script should demonstrate the issue:
Red Gate support should have been in contact with you and can provide you with a development build of Multi Script that has a fix for this issue.
Let me know if you have any further issues with this.
Daniel ...
Redgate Software
The patch works great and I appreciate the quick response!