configuration for "modeling" the scripts
Posts: 18
What I need is a configuration with which I can determine how the script should look like.
For example:
I'd like to have:
instead of:
I need this for all "code objects" like stored procedures, functions, etc.
The reason is first, with drop/create some dependencies are lost. And second, I already have missing dependencies. But with this, they would be healed within 2 script executions.
Is there a way for doing this??
Thanks for your help in advance.
What I need is a configuration with which I can determine how the script should look like.
For example:
I'd like to have:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'[<SchemaName,,>].[<SPName,,>]')AND TYPE IN (N'P', N'PC')) EXEC sp_executesql N'CREATE PROCEDURE [<SchemaName,,>].[<SPName,,>] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; END' GO ALTER PROCEDURE [<SchemaName,,>].[<SPName,,>] -- parameterlist AS --stored procedure code GO
instead of:
CREATE PROCEDURE [<SchemaName,,>].[<SPName,,>] -- parameterlist AS BEGIN --stored procedure code END GO
I need this for all "code objects" like stored procedures, functions, etc.
The reason is first, with drop/create some dependencies are lost. And second, I already have missing dependencies. But with this, they would be healed within 2 script executions.
Is there a way for doing this??
Thanks for your help in advance.
There is no control over the way that SQL Compare formats the code that it produces, although I agree it would be interesting to combine SQL Prompt layout and SQL Compare scripting.
Using IF EXISTS...DROP has been a request that has been around for awhile. It's still a feature request at this point though, sorry to say. (SC-2909)