Data Compare using a Snapshot

I have a single database which I want to monitor for changes caused by a 3rd party client application.
I was hoping to use SQL Data Repair to take a snapshot of the original data, let my 3rd party application loose then compare the changes with the original snapshot.
Looks like it can't be done. Any suggestions?
I was hoping to use SQL Data Repair to take a snapshot of the original data, let my 3rd party application loose then compare the changes with the original snapshot.
Looks like it can't be done. Any suggestions?

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Sorry, but no. The current version of Data Compare doesn't produce snapshots like SQL Compare does.
You'd need to use a two-database test. Keep the original data in one database, then copy all of that data to a second database. Run your application against the second database, then use Data Compare to compare the two and see what's changed.
May I request that this functionality be added in release 4. This is functionality that we need desperately. I realize that it wouldn't be efficient for VLDB's, but our database is relatively small, and we don't have connectivity to all of the locations we support. Being able to create a data snapshot would be very nice.
This didn't make it into version 4 although we had a look into being able to compare database backup files with live data sources, which seemed to be the best way of approaching this. It could still happen for version 5.