URGENT: URIFormatException error crashes application

I'm running Windows Server 2008. Everytime I created a new comparison project after the initial compares occurs it crashes the application with a system error. I need to get this working ASAP.
This happens under SQL Compare 6 & 8.
Here is the problem details for SQL Compare 6. (Note: Same thing happens under SQL Compare 8).
Stopped working
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: redgate.sqlcompare.ui.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 471df775
Problem Signature 04: System
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 47577deb
Problem Signature 07: 1b09
Problem Signature 08: 75
Problem Signature 09: System.UriFormatException
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
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I'm running Windows Server 2008. Everytime I created a new comparison project after the initial compares occurs it crashes the application with a system error. I need to get this working ASAP.
This happens under SQL Compare 6 & 8.
Here is the problem details for SQL Compare 6. (Note: Same thing happens under SQL Compare 8).
Stopped working
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: redgate.sqlcompare.ui.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 471df775
Problem Signature 04: System
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 47577deb
Problem Signature 07: 1b09
Problem Signature 08: 75
Problem Signature 09: System.UriFormatException
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Read our privacy statement:
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid= ... cid=0x0409
Can you turn logging on in SQL Compare 8.0? You can do this by right-clicking on the title bar with SQL Compare and select: Minimum Log Levels: Verbose
You can then find the logs using the same context menu after the comparison fails. - Presumably you will need to open SQL Compare again.