Using project file but changing databases via command line

I've setup a project file for our database structure that took quite a while to get right because there were many timestamps and user id columns I need to exclude.
I wanted to use that project file in an automated way to compare a several of our databases (we have a database per client) and I was disappointed to see that once you use the /project switch, the /server and /database switches can't be used.
How would you recommend being able to automate something like this?
I wanted to use that project file in an automated way to compare a several of our databases (we have a database per client) and I was disappointed to see that once you use the /project switch, the /server and /database switches can't be used.
How would you recommend being able to automate something like this?
If you need to do the editing automatically, your best bet is going to be using an xml argfile instead of a project - then you can have your program produce argfiles based on the baseline argfile when you need to change server details.
I've logged the request to override specific parts of the project settings from the command line as a feature request - SC-4520 - but obviously it'll be a while before we get around to it if we implement it at all.
Redgate Software
Thanks for the reply. I realized I've posted this in the wrong forum, but the same is true for SQL Data Compare. Could you open a ticket for that product as well?
The feature request is logged as SC-4520. Can I ask whether you're looking to compare the same source database with different targets? i.e., you only need the second data source to override the /project selection, not the first?
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software