Warning 402: Failed to open local data store:

I have just installed SQL Backup 6 server components on a 64 bit cluster. Everything installed fine, service is started, and a cluster resource created.
When open the SQLBackup GUI on another machine, and connect to the server I'm getting the following error...
Warning 402: Failed to open local data store: There is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file. [\\sqlbkup_test\sqlbkup_test\vSQLPatriot\Redgate\data.sdf]
Any idea where to start trouble shooting?
When open the SQLBackup GUI on another machine, and connect to the server I'm getting the following error...
Warning 402: Failed to open local data store: There is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file. [\\sqlbkup_test\sqlbkup_test\vSQLPatriot\Redgate\data.sdf]
Any idea where to start trouble shooting?
Open regedit and navigate to the following registry key :
Modify the ImagePath value by appending -sqbdebug to the end of the string.
Now please try restarting the SQL Backup Agent.
A log file should be created in the Server Components Installation directory (%:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup\<instance name> by default).
Could you please send me any log files contained there (support@red-gate.com , subject: F0024635)?
If no log is created, please ensure the SQL Backup Agent Service has permissions to write to the folder where it is located.
What was the resolution?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
For some reason, changing the reg key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLBackupAgent by adding the -sqbdebug to the end fixed the problem.
I took the -sqbdebug to the end off the string and it still worked.
Not sure why this fixed it but give it a try.