Native SQL Backups & RedGate Backups

Were planning on switching over all of our sql backups to redgate, but in the meantime were testing both first to make sure we want to purchase. Is it ok to run both sql and redgate backups or will they interfere with each other?
Thank you!
Thank you!
When I converted to SQLBackup I migrated each database at a time with the native backup and the SQLBackup jobs both running and once I was happy with the SQLBackup set up I stopped the native ones. Obviously I had to schedule them apart for performance and file access reasons and also for my own reasons I had the backup files generated in a different location. I had this parallel run system for maybe two or three days per database before I switched to solely SQL Backup.
Good luck with your project.
Senior DBA
Careers South West Ltd
The other thing to be careful of is that both SQL Backup and Native backups share the same LSN sequence so if you were to do the following:
You would need a mixture of SQL Backup and Native backups to do a restore.
Head of DBA Tools
Red Gate Software Ltd
Essentially my first step was to accept that SQLBackup was my main backup tool and I had the native backups as a safety net.
Senior DBA
Careers South West Ltd