ANTSLOAD 16 - Script recorder and SSL on custom ports

Brian DonahueBrian Donahue Posts: 6,590 Bronze 1
edited April 26, 2005 6:32AM in Knowledge Base
  • Date: 26-Apr-2005
  • Versions Affected: 1.x

When recording a test script in ANTS Load against a site using SSL, no script may be visible after the recording session if the web server is answering SSL requests on a TCP port other than 443.

This is because ANTS Load's script recorder makes a determination about how to handle SSL requests because it needs to behave differently depending on if the request is secure or non-secure. It makes this determination based on the TCP port of the request, which should be the default SSL port, 443.

For instance, this request will not be recorded:
but these will be recorded:

To work around this, the web server must answer SSL requests on port 443 for the duration of the script recording. If desired, the server can be changed back to its' custom port and a search and replace done to change the port number in the script.
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