SQLSearch for Azure Data Studio - download page is not available
in SQL Search
When I try to download "SQLSearch for Azure Data Studio", it seems that the download page is not available.
The link direct to:
The link direct to:
<a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.redgatefoundry.com/SQLSearch" title="Link: https://www.redgatefoundry.com/SQLSearch">https://www.redgatefoundry.com/SQLSearch</a> <br>and the page show:<br><h1>Hmmm… can't reach this page</h1><p><strong>www.redgatefoundry.com</strong>’s server IP address could not be found.</p><div><div><div><div><div><p>Try:</p><ul><li>Checking the connection</li><li>Checking the proxy, firewall, and DNS settings</li></ul></div><div>ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED</div></div></div></div></div>
You can find the SQL Search installer in the ADS marketplace when searching for 'Redgate'
You can then interact with the different functionality through the command palette
Victoria Wiseman | Redgate Software
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