Smart Assembly 8 is obfuscating .NET core 8 project dlls but app wont launch after obfuscation ?

We migrated to Smart Assembly 8 to obfuscate .NET Core 8 project dlls.
After obfuscation, we faced below issues
1) The application would not launch even with first basic level of obfuscation when all dlls were obfuscated.
2) We did a check which dll files on obfuscation would allow the application to work.
Few of them allowed app to launch but failed when further application had to navigate and load the other obfuscated dlls.
Without obfuscation the app works.
We set basic obfuscation
<Obfuscation FieldsNameMangling="1" NameMangling="1" />
After obfuscation, we faced below issues
1) The application would not launch even with first basic level of obfuscation when all dlls were obfuscated.
2) We did a check which dll files on obfuscation would allow the application to work.
Few of them allowed app to launch but failed when further application had to navigate and load the other obfuscated dlls.
Without obfuscation the app works.
We set basic obfuscation
<Obfuscation FieldsNameMangling="1" NameMangling="1" />