About SQL Server transactional replication monitoring

Hi! Has anybody built a custom alert in Redgate Monitor for Transactional Replication monitoring? For example, I would like to be notified when a transactional replication subscriber falls behind by "X" number of minutes, where X is a configurable threshold. If you have a solid working solution that you can share, then I would love to have it. Let me know. Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Azhar Taj
Best regards,
Azhar Taj
Basically we have added a table to each publication and each subscriber then gets this from DDL replication
we then have an agent job that puts new data in on the publisher (and in the case of Merge replication, on each member of the merge).
There is an agent job on each subscriber to check the values, if above a threshold (set in a config table per publication), then we put an entry in a common table in our utility db that is on each instance.
You then right a custom metric for each publication to have Redgate Monitor alert at different thresholds, can use low, medium, high.
We certainly don't have this as a solution that we could just hand off some scripts, we also have all of our replication in our own meta data tables that these canary tables are based on.
If you need more details, ping me back and I could get the engineer that designed it to provide more details.
Hope this helps