Start Flyway with specific project

is it possible to start Flyway Desktop with a commanline paramter for the project i want to use

"C:\Program Files\Red Gate\Redgate Change Control\flyway-desktop\Flyway Desktop.exe" "projectabc.toml"



  • That's an interesting idea BNitsche,

    It's not presently possible to invoke the GUI application with a project predefined.
    The CLI has much more comprehensive support for programmatic interaction for authoring scripts.
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • gradedgraded Posts: 11 New member

    Yes, you can start Flyway Desktop with a command-line parameter for a specific project. Just make sure to include the path to your projectabc.toml file in the command. It should look something like this:

    "C:\Program Files\Red Gate\Redgate Change Control\flyway-desktop\Flyway Desktop.exe" "C:\path\to\your\projectabc.toml"

    This should open Flyway with the specified project.

  • What version did you try this with please graded?
    I tried the same before replying and it was unsuccessful, loading to the project page instead.
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?

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