Script Signatures

adam_hafneradam_hafner Posts: 91 Silver 2
edited October 21, 2024 1:51PM in SQL Scripts Manager
What is the process for creating a signature for a script?  The documentation states that the <signature> node in the XML allows a script to be signed but doesn't state how this is accomplished.

Best Answer

  • Jon_KirkwoodJon_Kirkwood Posts: 444 Gold 1

    Hi adam_hafner,

     Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forum regarding your SQL Scripts Manager signature question.

     I believe the signature is a functionality that is implemented by your own security/compliance team to implement. It ensures that scripts that are being run on your system are permitted and match the stored scripts in your systems' cryptography vault.

    Unless you are implementing script signing within your estate, it is recommended to keep a blank <signature /> field in the file. 

    Otherwise, I believe the process is along the lines of generating signed keys for the script and storing these in your RSA machinedkeys folder for your user to access. The system then authenticates that the signed file matches the keys and allows the script to be run. Our software doesn't generate the keys; it just allows for signed scripts to be created and used.

    Jon Kirkwood | Technical Support Engineer | Redgate Software


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