'Estate/SQL Server Versions' not loading

Trying to load the 'SQL Server Versions' page is throwing
Unfortunately something went wrong.
Please try refreshing the page.
Everything else seems to working as expected, ideas on troubleshooting?
Sorry you've seen this issue with Redgate Monitor, there's a number of possible causes. Will reach out to you through an internal support ticket to request a copy of your log files which will hopefully allow us to diagnose this.
Once we've found the cause in your case will look to update this thread with the underlying issue for others who may come across this.
Tom Claringbold | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
Version =
Yet to have had a response from reaching out with an internal ticket requesting log files. Will create a separate support ticket for you and send a request for log files so we can have a look at what's happening here for you.
Tom Claringbold | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?