Can postgresql logs be both stderr & csvlog or do they have to be only csvlog?

I'm looking to set up redgate monitor on our postgres system, and the docs say "log_destination must contain 'csvlog'" but can they be stderr & csvlog? 

My thinking is that they won't be able to because if it's both, when you run "
pg_catalog.pg_current_logfile()" it won't return the csv log file name. Is this correct?

Currently our logs go to stderr and we ship them to cloudwatch to I don't really want to stop the current log format.


  • Hi come_flyway_with_me


    Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forums regarding your Redgate Monitor PostgreSQL question.

    I have referenced a few users configuring their state to use both stderr & csvlog for Postgres and believe this will function as anticipated.


    In your postgresql.conf file, can you try setting the log_destination as follows:


    log_destination = 'stderr,csvlog'



    It may require a restart of the Redgate Monitor service to reload the configuration

    Jon Kirkwood | Technical Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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