Teradata database supported by Flyway

dlc92dlc92 Posts: 1 New member
edited August 20, 2024 10:30AM in Flyway (General Discussion)
We currently use Flyway (community edition) for our PostgreSQL and Oracle databases.
We also have Teradata databases, and we would like to know if Teradata support is planned in the Flyway roadmap
Thank you in advance


  • Hi @dlc92

     Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forums regarding your Flyway + Teradata inquiry.


    I've had a look into this, and it does appear that Teradata is on the backlog of supported databases to be added into Flyway.

    There is not a current roadmap ETA, and our development team are interested in gathering feedback on potential users.


    Are you able to share any high-level insights on your Teradata estate, and if you are using Flyway with any other database types at present?

    Our product managers may be interested in discussing your needs further as it could help shape the Flyway roadmap and integration with Teradata

    Jon Kirkwood | Technical Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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