Aurora PostgreSQL with Kerberos Authentication

KristiCloudEngKristiCloudEng Posts: 1 New member
edited August 9, 2024 1:28PM in PostgreSQL
We are experiencing issues with active directory (Kerberos) authentication with Flyway Desktop. We are able to authenticate with a local database user, no problem, however we are unable to authenticate with active directory.

Unable to obtain connection from database (jdbc:postgresql://clustname:5432/databasename?gssEncMode=require&gsslib=gssapi&ssl&sslmode=prefer&sslrootcert=C:\Users\username\Cert\oot.pem) for user 'UserName@domainname': An error occurred while setting up the GSS Encoded connection.


SQL State : 08P01 Error Code : 0 Message : An error occurred while setting up the GSS Encoded connection. Caused by: An error occurred while setting up the GSS Encoded connection.

We have tried a few different connection string configurations as recommended by support:

JAAS configuration file is present and pointed in the environment variables:

{ required

klist returns the correct Kerberos ticket. 

Has anyone else bumped into this issue? 

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