Alerts- RedGate to Coralogix

I want, whatever alerts on RedGate needs to be dulplicated on Coralogix is it possible to link RedGate to Coralogix ?


  • Hello shyamrichard,

    Probably.. Please could you give me an example of a Flyway alert you had in mind?

    From looking at Coralogix docs they have ample support for Java applications like Flyway, in the example I'm looking at, it uses the slf4j logger which Flyway also uses, so it certainly should be possible to link them up.

    Like many apps, Flyways has different tiers of feedback, errors, warnings and informational which appears to be configurable.
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • shyamrichardshyamrichard Posts: 3 New member
    Hi @Peter_Laws

    Below are some alerts from Redgate which I want to duplicate to Coralogix. Thanks

    DB unreachable
    Instance unreachable
    Long running query
    Backups overdue
    Cluster failure
    Configuration changes
    DB file usage
    Job failing
    Log backup overdue
  • You say you're seeing these alerts in Flyway?
    While some of those status could be conveyed through it, they originate from the database and many of them only if you'd configured it ahead of time. Inability to connect to the db is probably the only one I'd expect Flyway itself to initialise.

    Would you be able to share a small example of how you're processing this in our tooling please?
    Such as how you're ingesting the alerts, presumably you're grepping the JSON output from console or something equivalent.
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • shyamrichardshyamrichard Posts: 3 New member
    Hi @Peter_Laws

    We are collecting the metrics using open telementry(MSSQL windows exporter) and integrating it to Coralogix
  • Ok.. are you using Flyway to run that somehow?

    I'm wondering if there might be a better forum section for your query where the community may be more familiar with this setup.
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?

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