Does the Flyway Maven Plugin support TOML config files?

I'm somewhat of a new user to Flyway so could be doing something wrong but I have a very simple project setup to do migrations to Postgres as part of a quick POC.  I'm using Maven to trigger Flyway.  I initially embedded my Flyway config in the Maven Plugin config as per the Configuration section of and everything worked fine.  I then went on to look into TOML files, eventually removing the config from the Maven Plugin apart from referencing my TOML file i.e. <configFile>flyway.toml</configFile(with my TOML file now containing my DB URL, username etc.).  My Maven build then started failing complaining that I hadn't set a URL.  I tried running the exact same process and TOML config directly with the flyway CLI and it worked fine, no complaints about missing URLs.

After some debugging of the Flyway code it looks like the CLI makes use of the ModernConfigurationManager and TomlUtils to read and parse my TOML file correctly whereas the Maven AbstractFlywayMojo class does not use any TOML specific functionality that I can see, it reads my TOML file, I can see the raw contents being loaded, but it seems to ignore all of the TOML content because it doesn't match the classic config style parameter names that it's expecting which then causes Flyway to think I didn't supply a database URL (which I did, but in the TOML file format).

Is this intended i.e. the Maven Plugin doesn't support TOML config files or am I doing something wrong?

I'm using Flyway 10.17.0.

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