Why does this product constantly have issues

WesTNWesTN Posts: 1 New member
The latest update now shows most of the columns as invalid when I write a query even if they are correct. This USED to be a good tool. I'm considering just uninstalling it and just forgetting about any good features it has just to get rid of the constant errors it says my code has. 


  • Good Afternoon Wes,

    I am sorry to hear you are having difficulties when using SQL Prompt, lets see if we can get this fixed up for you. 

    The errors that you are seeing returned in Prompt for your code, is it the same message being returned or a variety of errors? Could you share with me what errors you are receiving and why they are actually correct? Prompt can sometimes call out columns when they have not been fully qualified so I am curious what messages you are receiving.

    Best Regards,

    Christian Perez
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