Flyway Docker-Compose Windows - SQL Files Not Found

I am attempting to migrate files with Flyway to an Azure Postgres database that already contains a table. I ran the flyway migrate command with the baseline environment variable equal to true and was able to successfully create the flyway_schema_history table and baseline the database. However, I get a warning that says no migrations found, yet I have migrations in the flyway/sql folder I think I am mounting:
postgres_flyway | Flyway OSS Edition 10.16.0 by Redgate postgres_flyway | postgres_flyway | See release notes here: postgres_flyway | Schema history table "public"."flyway_schema_history" does not exist yet postgres_flyway | Successfully validated 0 migrations (execution time 00:00.155s) postgres_flyway | WARNING: No migrations found. Are your locations set up correctly? postgres_flyway | Creating Schema History table "public"."flyway_schema_history" with baseline ... postgres_flyway | Successfully baselined schema with version: 1 postgres_flyway | Current version of schema "public": 1 postgres_flyway | Schema "public" is up to date. No migration necessary. postgres_flyway exited with code 0
I think the problem may be that my directory and files are not being mounted like expected. Here is my docker-compose file:
services: flyway_migration: image: flyway/flyway container_name: postgres_flyway environment: FLYWAY_PASSWORD: redacted FLYWAY_USER: redacted FLYWAY_URL: redacted FLYWAY_CONNECT_RETRIES: 60 FLYWAY_BASELINE_ON_MIGRATE: true command: migrate volumes: - //ptl-chddc02b/user/Cloud/Desktop/postgres_flyway_dev/flyway/sql/:/flyway/sql
Note, The file name of the script I am trying to migrate is higher than the baseline version of 1 and contains two underscores V2__myMigration.sql
What I have tried:
- removing the slash after sql in the source section of the volume mount
- wrapping the source and target in single and double quotes
- I have confirmed the files have read, write and execute on my cloud desktop before I attempt to mount them
- I have provided a full qualified and relative path
Thank you for your help!
I believe this stackoverflow article might be of assistance here. Since you are trying to mount what looks like a network share, I believe additional parameters need to be added to your Docker compose.
Try those and let me know if it helps or not.
Kind regards,
Kurt McCormick
Product Support Engineer, Redgate
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