How to skip baseline script during creation of release artifact in yaml

When i use classic editor the baseline is skipped as expected. But when i use same configuration in yaml pipeline as same as classic editor baseline is not getting skipped and in the logs i see (Deploy) instead of (mark as deployed), I had to use yaml since i need to write custom query to handle multiple databases within a environment.
YAML logs:(Deploy) Migrations\1.0.0-Baseline\001_20240419-1532.sql
this is my yaml
YAML logs:(Deploy) Migrations\1.0.0-Baseline\001_20240419-1532.sql
Classic editor logs:(Mark as Deployed) Migrations\1.0.0-Baseline\001_20240419-1518.sql
this is my yaml
- task: redgatesoftware.redgateDlmAutomationRelease.DlmAutomationReleaseTask.RedgateSqlChangeAutomationRelease@4
displayName: 'Create Release Artifact'
Operation: Create
NuGetFile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Database Build Artifact/PL_CLIENT_package.1.0.$(Build.BuildId).nupkg'
TargetDatabaseServer: ${{ parameters.dbServer }}
TargetDatabaseName: ${{ parameters.databaseName }}
TargetAuthMethod: sqlServerAuth
TargetDatabaseUsername: ${{ parameters.sqlServerAdminUserName }}
TargetDatabasePassword: ${{ parameters.sqlServerAdminPassword }}
SkipPostUpdateSchemaCheck: false
requiredVersionOfDlma: 'latest'
TransactionIsolationLevel: 'serializable'
DriftFiltering: 'ModifiedObjectsOnly'
AbortOnWarning: 'none'
DeleteFilesInExportFolder: true
IgnoreStaticData: false
AppendEnvironment: true
TargetDatabaseConnectionType: 'explicit'
TargetTrustServerCertificate: false
TargetEncrypt: false
SourceAuthMethod: 'windowsAuth'
SourceEncrypt: false
SourceTrustServerCertificate: false
The baseline will only be deployed to a target database if it's empty.
In rare cases, if you've modified the schema history table and there's no entry for the baseline, it will also be deployed.
Kind regards
Dan Calver | Redgate Software
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