Flyway Desktop 7.3.2 Community Edition doesn't read SSL keys

JHernandezJHernandez Posts: 2 New member
Hi. I have a problem indicated in the title of the question. I've been trying to connect Flyway Desktop with a postgreSQL database.

The issue is that it needs two certificates and a private key (all .pem files) to connect. When I try to input the paths in the URL I get the error SQL State : 08006 / Caused by: Could not read SSL key file / Caused by: extra data at the end

I've tried a lot of things (created a new key, modifying the existing one, giving chmod permissions to the key, changing locations, etc). 

Can someone please help me with this?

Also, I read that version 8.x and higher can read these files, but I'm not able to upgrade the software in any way, if someone could also help me with that, I'd be forever thankful.



  • JHernandezJHernandez Posts: 2 New member
    edited June 28, 2024 8:57PM
    Forgot to metion that I checked the file and it doesn't have any extra data at the end like the error suggests, also I checked with hexdump and doesn't show anything weird... and that I'm using macOS
  • Hello JHernandez,

    Thank you for your question!
    I'm going to take this in reverse order because I think it may affect the rest.

    You mention Desktop v8. at time of writing v7.3.2 is the latest (release notes); conversely if you mean the flyway deployment engine, v8 released 3 years ago so you should be fine.
    Please could you share what you read as it might contain some context we're presently missing.

    Additionally, how are you establishing the SSL tunnel for flyway prior to connecting please?
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
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