Flyway desktop App is closing abruptly

I have installed the Flyway desktop 7.2 community free ware and when i open it, is asking to sign in and after sign in App closes abruptly. Does this require any license? Please help me.
from the log i see below issues
from the log i see below issues

19:50:32.088|info |[App] Starting Flyway Desktop 7.2.8
19:50:32.100|info |[App] Setting logging level to Default.
19:50:32.101|info |[Permit] Using permit licensing
19:50:32.167|info |[PUR] Starting permits based PUR
19:50:32.156|info |[App] Starting Flyway Desktop 7.2.8
19:50:32.167|info |[App] Setting logging level to Default.
19:50:32.167|info |[Permit] Using permit licensing
19:50:32.227|info |[PUR] Starting permits based PUR
19:50:36.714|info |[UI features] []
19:50:36.772|info |[Permit] Reading last saved online permit from offline store
19:50:36.786|info |[Permit] no active licenses with an available edition on permit
19:50:36.822|info |[Permit] Regenerating access token using refresh token
19:50:36.892|info |[Permit] Fetching available trials.
19:50:36.893|info |[Permit] Regenerating access token using refresh token
19:50:37.451|info |[CFU] update found: Redgate Flyway Desktop
19:50:37.460|info |[CFU] Downloading update for 7.2.9:
19:50:37.586|warn |[Permit] Unable to get access token from refresh token: STATUS (400) {"error":"invalid_grant"}
19:50:37.590|warn |[Permit] Unable to get access token from refresh token: STATUS (400) {"error":"invalid_grant"}
19:50:37.590|info |[Permit] Reading last saved online permit from offline store
19:50:37.593|info |[Permit] no active licenses with an available edition on permit
19:50:39.007|info |[UI features] []
19:50:39.064|info |[Permit] Reading last saved online permit from offline store
19:50:39.081|info |[Permit] no active licenses with an available edition on permit
19:50:39.136|info |[Permit] Reading last saved online permit from offline store
19:50:39.139|info |[Permit] no active licenses with an available edition on permit
19:50:39.219|info |[Permit] Fetching available trials.
19:50:40.367|info |[CFU] update found: Redgate Flyway Desktop
19:50:40.376|info |[CFU] Downloading update for 7.2.9:
Thank you for raising this with us! Technically it does require a licence, but it's a free licence that comes with it, however it seems there is something wrong with the licence negotiation that's causing it to fall over.
What OS are you using please? I can then tell you how to get to the faulty permit and remove it, the app will then generate a new one and we can go from there.
I am using windows 11 OS. from the log files it is expecting to download the version 7.2.9. When i downloaded from the link given from the logfile and tried to install. But my organization denied it saying Malicious with high threat score. find attached reports for more details.
I wonder if it might be the self updating behaviour rather than the actual software artifact itself, please can you help me test this by grabbing the update from and then installing from the update rather than the app self launching the update?