What are the challenges you face when working across database platforms? Take the survey

Would love to test early RG Monitor ideas with you! Let's create together!

Hi everyone, 

Exciting news, we are working on extending our monitoring software to support Oracle, MongoDB and MySQL!
I’m Moyo,  the senior product designer for the Polymon team working on cross-db integrations.

My team is currently experimenting through early solutions.
We would love to invite you for a user chat to learn more about your use cases and take on board any initial thoughts you may have.

Please fill out this survey to join our early testers pipeline.

Looking forward to making awesome together :D !


  • Options
    DonFergusonDonFerguson Posts: 202 Silver 5
    Always accompany new releases with a rollback script to counteract any breaking bugs that may be introduced. Resorting to restoring the RedGate monitor database to a state prior to the upgraded release is suboptimal, as it results in the loss of captured data. The ideal solution would be to facilitate the redeployment of an older version, wherein the version history and table changes in the database are reinstated, allowing for the reapplication of older binaries. This process should mirror the functionality of tools like SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare, which can manage key tables effectively.
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