Code Snippet Sharing - how long does it take?

I've got snippets I've shared 2+ hours ago that haven't shown up on the new machine running red-gate and logged in with my credentials. How do I check and/or fix that?
It looks like this may have been a connection error from the source or target machines to the Redgate platform
You are able to reset the Redgate Platform shared content to aid in troubleshooting.
Selecting the "Clear Shared Content" option from the help menu will do this:
This will remove any shared items (such as shared formatting styles) from your machine. When a synchronization to the Redgate Platform next occurs, the shared items will be re-downloaded.
It may also be recommended to log out of Redgate Platform on your source machine, then sign back in to force a sync.
Then logout & back in on the target machine to force a pull down of the shared styles onto the device.