Release Notes site not updated for 10.14.17

in SQL Prompt
Opened SSMS and SQL Prompt says that SQL Prompt 10.14.17 is available. I click on the Details to go to Release Notes web page and 10.14.17 is not listed. I made note of this a couple of months ago (cannot find previous post) but it resolved and everyone was good about keeping the release notes up to date on a new release but it has stopped again.
Just looking to know what was changed before installing a new release.
Just looking to know what was changed before installing a new release.
Best Answer
Robyn Posts: 205 Gold 1
As this release came just a day after the previous one there were minimal changes. However, the lack of information was a mistake - thank you for highlighting it.
The only chnages were:Features
Performance improvements for SQL Prompt+