Connection failed (Internal SQL Monitor error) - SqlProcessSampler

Hi All / Redgate Support Team,
We encountered an alert error Connection failed (Internal SQL Monitor error) - SqlProcessSampler in our server.
Exception : CultureNotFoundException
Exception message : Culture is not supported. (Parameter 'culture') 66577 (0x10411) is an invalid culture identifier.
It seems occurred every hour. We do not have this kind of error previously until we installed a custom metrics
I am not sure whether is the custom metrics caused it or other reason.
Please help and provide your insights if you have experienced before.
We encountered an alert error Connection failed (Internal SQL Monitor error) - SqlProcessSampler in our server.
Exception : CultureNotFoundException
Exception message : Culture is not supported. (Parameter 'culture') 66577 (0x10411) is an invalid culture identifier.
It seems occurred every hour. We do not have this kind of error previously until we installed a custom metrics
OS Wait Time: Async_Network_IO(secs)
Average IO stall
)I am not sure whether is the custom metrics caused it or other reason.
Please help and provide your insights if you have experienced before.
Is this a newly added server, or has it just occurred on this instance that has been monitored for a whilst?
What is the collation of the system databases of this instance?
SELECT name, collation_name FROM sys.databases
After i installed the custom metric "Average I/O stalls" and "OS Wait Time: Async_Network_IO", then the server start receiving this error.
The collation for the system databases is Japanese_XJIS_100_BIN2. However, some user databases collation are Japanese_Unicode_BIN2.
I have been attempting to replicate this but have been unable to do so thusfar. Does this only occur when the custom metric is gathering from this machine?
Thanks for your reply. It seems that after turning on the custom metric, the machine occasionally received the error. I am not sure what caused it. But obviously before install the custom metric, the machine gathering info as per normal.
One thing is weird that, when the error occurred the machine seems cannot display the monitoring data well.
Thank you for your patience on this.
What version of SQL server is this you are monitoring?