
Error linking to development database

masselja83masselja83 Posts: 2 New member
edited April 26, 2024 3:14PM in PostgreSQL
Hello! New Flyway Desktop/CLI user here. In trying to link to a development database (Provisioning method: Docker; Driver: PostgreSQL) I received the following error:

Database connection failed: Error reading resolver configuration for resolver docker
Caused by: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.lang.String` from Array value (token `JsonToken.START_ARRAY`)
 at [Source: UNKNOWN; byte offset: #UNKNOWN] (through reference chain: org.flywaydb.provisioner.docker.DockerEnvironmentProvisionerConfigurationExtension["composeFile"])

This suggests there's an issue with my Compose file. The docker compose file that I am using is a multi-container app, and I reference only the postgres service. Thoughts on how I might fix this error?


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    Hello masselja83, welcome!

    Are you able to share the compose file please to give us some context?
    We can happily create you a support ticket to share it privately if you prefer.
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
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    masselja83masselja83 Posts: 2 New member
    Thanks @Peter_Laws
    I don't yet have permission to share the compose file for our overarching app but I can tell you that it references some public repos (https://github.com/USSBA/hubzone-webmaphttps://github.com/USSBA/hubzone-api) and some private ones, while a configured Postgres service (postgis/postgis:13-3.4) is used for the backend. Does that help diagnose the error?
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    I'm afraid not, without any frame of reference I fear the best I can offer are the generic examples shown at that combine multiple images https://hub.docker.com/r/redgate/flyway

    If Flyway is the only part you're struggling with you could alternative start by combining flyway and its corresponding db and then iterate out. That would probably also allow you to share the results if you still have issues.
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
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    Michel400Michel400 Posts: 3 New member

    Linking errors to a development database can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. First, ensure that the connection string in your application or development environment is correct and up-to-date. Double-check the server name, database name, and authentication credentials.

    If the connection string is correct, check if the development database server is running and accessible from your current location. You can use tools like SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or command-line utilities to test the connection.

    Additionally, verify that the firewall settings on the database server allow incoming connections from your development environment. Sometimes, firewall rules can block access to the database server, causing linking errors.

    If you're still experiencing issues, consider reaching out to your database administrator or IT support for further assistance. They can help diagnose the problem and provide a solution tailored to your specific environment

    For more information please visit

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