Alternative to ignoreMissingMigrations, Clarification on ingoreMissingPatterns

Dear all,
in Flyway 8 we were relying on the setting (in Maven)
I get the error message
in Flyway 8 we were relying on the setting (in Maven)
<ignoreMissingMigrations>true</ignoreMissingMigrations>According to the release notes here the new alternative for this option is now "ignoreMigrationPatterns", which due to the documentation here is used as follows:
<ignoreMigrationPatterns><ignoreMigrationPattern>*:missing</ignoreMigrationPattern></ignoreMigrationPatterns>The problem ist that this option does not seem to apply at all. Even worse, when I replace the pattern like
I get the error message
Flyway Redgate Edition Required: ignoreMigrationPattern with type 'versioned' is not supported by OSS Edition
which seems to suggest that this option is no longer part of the community edition. But that contradicts the documentation linked above.
Could somebody please clarify the situation?
This one is currently in the Redgate Community edition (free but not OSS) so you'd have to get the Redgate libraries to use it today. We do intend to move this to the open source version but it hasn't happened yet