Exclude system databases from any Reports and Monitoring Activities
Posts: 2 New member
Hi there!
I'm looking for option to exclude all system DBs (DBID < 4) from any SQL Monitor Reports, checkups, alarms and so on.
how to achive it?
Best Answer
cperez Posts: 66 Bronze 2Good Afternoon,
I understand you are attempting to exclude system databases from your SQL Monitor environment.
With respect to alarms, you should be able to click on Configuration > Alert Settings from the SQL Monitor UI and drill down to the database level in order to suppress all alerting from those databases. Please see the image below:
With respect to SQL Monitor Reports and checkups, could you possibly elaborate on what you are trying to achieve? What are you referring to when you say checkups?
Best Regards,
Christian Perez
I understand this is per server option. it's very frustrating to do the same thing for each server. Is there any system wide option for this or may be powershell?
With respect to being able to change Alert Settings system-wide, we do have Powershell API's you can utilize with SQL Monitor to change a variety of settings. I am going to direct you to our documentation on Powershell APIs which will point you towards our example scripts and guide you through the setup process.
Setting up the Powershell API
Example Scripts
Best Regards,
Christian Perez