SQL Change Automation => Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact SUPPRESS SQL PRINT OUTPUTS

Hello Community. We are using SQL Change Automation to deploy SQL. But when New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact builds the Change-Script (SQL Script) it places many, many PRINT-Commands for every operation. Those PRINT Commands are in Output when running Deploy with Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact. This leads into an overblown LOG-File and also brings the AZURE-Dev-Ops Monitor to its Limits. Is there an Option that can suppress the output of all PRINT when running the SQL-Update script? Or is there an Option to not generate the PRINT-Commands at all when generating the Update-Script with New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact. Thanks for all Answers.
Thank you for contacting Redgate support regarding your SQL Change Automation inquiry into PRINT statements.
Looking at this, PRINT statements are already in the BuildArtifact that is passed to the ReleaseArtifact.
There isn't an option to disable this during the Change Automation project.
The workaround would possibly to edit project scripts prior to running the ReleaseArtifact to comment out/remove the lines starting with