How can I view the Actual Query Plan from Redgate
Posts: 1 New member
Is it possible to view the actual query plan for a query that ran earlier
Hi @Nicholus
Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forums regarding your SQL Monitor inquiry around query plans.
By default, estimated query plans are monitored and viewable in SQL Monitor. Setting up actual query plans may require some extra configuration in your estate.
This page here may provide the requested information about setting up SQL Server & PostgreSQL instances to monitor query plans.
I've taken an extract from this page on how to set up monitoring for actual query plans. This is available for SQL Server 2019 and onwards
Query plan data is stored within SQL Monitor for a defined timeframe. This is configured through Options > Preferences > Data Retention Settings
Setting a timeframe for Estimated query plans data & Actual query plans data will allow you to define how long this data is retained within SQL Monitor
Once configured, this information should be viewable in SQL Monitor when selecting any query to load up more data about it.
Hope this helps with your inquiry