Why Script Object as ALTER not working for SQL Pool on Azure

in SQL Prompt
Since last couple of updates F12 (script object as alter) stopped working for stored procedures in dedicated sql pool on Azure. Will this functionality come back?
Hi @doniluga
Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forums regarding your SQL Prompt inquiry.
I am not aware of any changes to this functionality and am I wondering if you are experiencing a bug.
Are you able to confirm your installed version of SQL Prompt
The most recent version is V10.14.8 and is available here:
When you say that it's stopped working - do you still have the 'Script Object as ALTER' menu option when you right-click on your object in the SSMS editor? And does it run when you click on this shortcut?
If that is the case, is it just a situation where the F12 shortcut is no longer working?
In this case it may be a remapping of the key, can you check in Tools > Options > Keyboard > Keyboard for the command SQLPrompt.ScriptObjectasALTER and verify that its shortcut is mapped to F12
If this is all mapped as expected, but you are still not getting the functionality, can you confirm:
If you can confirm these details, it will help to replicate and escalate to our developers as a possible bug in the tool.
I am not sure when it started as last couple of updates were quite close to each other. I am using the latest version of SQL Prompt and I am pretty sure that this is at least second update that the feature is not working. Tried to run it from the menu but still not working.
I have checked the keyboard settings and those are correctly set up. The feature is working with on prem servers, Azure managed instances, and Azure databases.
It does not work only for Dedicated SQL Pool.
Furthermore, when I point a cursor over a stored procedure and press CTRL + space, SQL Prompt can't fetch the script. It actually shows an error instead of a definition on script tab "Unable to display definition of this object. Reason: Catalog view 'triggers' is not supported in this version." Again, this only happens on Dedicated SQL Pool.
It is not so easy to roll back versions as I need to ask admin privileges from the IT security guys. but I will try.
we have the same issue here with "catalog view 'triggers' is not supported in this version"
For sure this has to been fixed asap as its cost us on productivity level.
We have the same issue on Azure SQL Data Warehouse. We cannot view the definition of Stored-Procedures.
We also have the same issue on our Azure SQL Data Warehouse. See attached screenshot
SQL Prompt version:
Azure Synapse does not support triggers. This might be the roor cause of this issue.
This issue does not occur on SQL Server OnPremise.