SQL Server 2022 Select - Window Clause with multiple window definitions stops code suggestions
in SQL Prompt
Here is an example:
;With cte1 as ( Select tn.value, tn.value + 1 AS valPlus1 from generate_series(0,100,1) tn ), cte2 AS ( SELECT c.[value], SUM(c.[value]) OVER lastTenWin AS last10Sum , SUM(c.[value]) OVER lastElevenWin AS last11Sum -- comment me and the second window name below to make Prompt work again --, SUM(c.[value]) OVER (ORDER BY c.value ROWS BETWEEN 10 preceding AND CURRENT ROW) AS last11Sum -- uncomment me with the other two commented and Prompt still works. FROM [cte1] c WINDOW lastTenWin AS (ORDER BY c.value ROWS BETWEEN 9 preceding AND CURRENT ROW) , lastElevenWin AS (ORDER BY c.value ROWS BETWEEN 10 preceding AND CURRENT ROW) ) SELECT * FROM cte2 ORDER BY value
This is valid SQL as multiple window definitions are allowed.
It is in their backlog to be investigated and I will endeavour to update this forum post with any findings and/or releases that include a fix for this code suggestion issue.