Flyway schema files .rgm vs .sql

in PostgreSQL
Hi there,
I am new to Flyway desktop. When I tried creating schema model of my Postgres DB using Flyway, it created all the objects script as .rgm files but I was expecting .sql files. Is it actually possible to generate .sql files? or do I have to live with .rgm?
I am new to Flyway desktop. When I tried creating schema model of my Postgres DB using Flyway, it created all the objects script as .rgm files but I was expecting .sql files. Is it actually possible to generate .sql files? or do I have to live with .rgm?
Yes in Flyway both Postgres and MySQL use the .rgm format instead.
On the downside, this necessitates two separate conversion stages rather than one with the newer model and we're more rapidly diversifying db scripting now.
We've had script authorship for SQL Server and Oracle for ~12 years, and we've added MySQL, Postgres and well on our way with Snowflake in the last 2 years. It makes a big difference to our ability to be agile.
That said, if you do find some knock on effects to the architectural decision, please do let me know!