SQLPrompt Doesnot work in Visual Studio 2022
Posts: 3 Bronze 1
Hello Redgate Folks,
Starting on version the SQLPrompt Suggestion stopped working to suggest schema objects, and the error looks like it is related to updates on the SSDT to include the set_Encrypt option in the latest version of the SSDT for Visual Studio 2022.
I tried to revert the version to the prior one, but the issue is the same in the SQLPrompt
Below is part of the SQLPrompt Log.
Thank you for being so helpful.
Starting on version the SQLPrompt Suggestion stopped working to suggest schema objects, and the error looks like it is related to updates on the SSDT to include the set_Encrypt option in the latest version of the SSDT for Visual Studio 2022.
I tried to revert the version to the prior one, but the issue is the same in the SQLPrompt
Below is part of the SQLPrompt Log.
Thank you for being so helpful.
023-11-27 16:01:46.983 -06:00 [Verbose] Usage reporting request made to https://productusage.red-gate.com/v1/usageevents
Number of submitted usage events = 2
HTTP status code = 200 OK
Response body =
2023-11-27 16:02:04.896 -06:00 [Information] Created new ServerCandidate for server: PROD
2023-11-27 16:02:05.188 -06:00 [Warning] Failed to do background loading of database candidate PROD.
2023-11-27 16:02:05.286 -06:00 [Debug] AutoRefreshing database master
2023-11-27 16:02:20.511 -06:00 [Error] Report error dialog UI shown
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.set_Encrypt(Boolean)'.
at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Shell.Api.ConnectionProperties.ToMsDataConnectionString(Int32 connectionTimeout)
at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Shell.Api.ConnectionFactory.CreateMsDataConnection(ConnectionProperties connectionProperties)
at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Cache.Candidates.ServerCandidate.LoadServer()
2023-11-27 16:02:57.444 -06:00 [Debug] AutoRefreshing database master
Best Answer
chrisqtran Posts: 135 Silver 3Hi all,
For the error below, there should be an update later this week that should resolve the issue:
I will keep y'all updated as soon as it is released.
I also got this error in SSMS - SqlSourceControlPackage packe did not load correctly.
For the SQL Source Control issue, are you using our latest version? We are currently on 7.6.31.
Thank you so much. I'll be waiting for the release.
Have a wonderful day
The problem has been solved in the latest version released today, Ver. [].
Have a great weekend.
I appreciate your patience on this.
SQL Prompt 10.14.4 should fix this issue. I've listed the installer for you below:
SQL Prompt 10.14.4