Unexpected error when opening SSMS 19.1

OliBOliB Posts: 3 New member
When opening SQL Management Studio I am immediately presented with a dialog informing me of an unexpected error. The error details are 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

From this point none of the SQL Prompt menu items do anything. I have attempted to uninstall SQL prompt (including rebooting and deleting SQL prompt files from %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 10.

Whilst I then see SQL prompt has been removed from SSMS, after I reinstall, the next time I open SSMS I get the error once more. This is with rebooting in between the new install.

It feels like I am missing a location where SQL prompt is not completely uninstalled and hitting the same problem. Looking in %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Red Gate\Logs\SQL Prompt 10 I can see the issue is that the formatting style is the issue but am unsure where this is being picked up from.

2023-09-27 08:29:56.621 +01:00 [Error] Report error dialog UI shown
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Format.Engine.Styles.Saving.StyleFilePathGenerator.GetFilePath(FormattingStyle style)
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Format.Engine.Styles.Upgrading.StyleFileNamesUpgrader.<Upgrade>d__5.MoveNext()
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Format.Engine.Styles.Upgrading.StylesUpgrader.Upgrade()
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.CommonUI.Shell.StartUpActions.UpgradeFormattingStyles(ILog logger, IStylesUpgrader stylesUpgrader)
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.CommonUI.Shell.StartUpActions.Run(DevelopmentEnvironment developmentEnvironment)
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.EntryPointCommon.BaseConnect.Initialize(IKernel kernel, IDTEWrapper dte)
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.SsmsCommon.AbstractSsmsConnect.Initialize(IKernel kernel, IDTEWrapper dte)
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.SsmsPackage19.SsmsPackage.<Initialize>b__2_0(ILog logger, IKernel kernel, Action onTabsRestored)
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.EntryPointCommon.Startup.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<Initialize>b__0()
   at RedGate.SqlPrompt.UsageReporting.ErrorReporting.ErrorReporterWithUI.Do(Action action)

Any advice as to where this might be?

Best Answer

  • OliBOliB Posts: 3 New member
    Further update, managed to resolve this by uninstalling SQL Search and then removing all RedGate registry keys, everything from C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate and everything from C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\Red Gate.

    I then rebooted and reinstalled. Set the styles folder etc and, after subsequent opens of SSMS no error. 


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