How long before a post is approved by the moderator

Yesterday I posted a fairly lengthy documentation of a roblem I was having with the Docker Implementation of Flyway and TLS. What is the expected time before this is approved by the moderators?


Best Answer

  • cajundcajund Posts: 14 New member
    Thanks for the reply, but this is not the case. I posted a long post (the one your replied to) and when submitted, the system stated that there was moderator action required. The next day, it still wasn't approved and I couldn't find it anywhere. So I posted another that did show up until I edited it, and it then vanished the same way as the first. I then posted this little one and it worked. All fixed now!
    Thanks again.


  • cajundcajund Posts: 14 New member
    I reposted my original problem and it disappeared again. Can anyone explain what is going on?

    My post was on getting the TLS certs into the Docker container. Nothing I am trying is working.

  • Hello cajund,

    I believe because you posted multiple times in rapid succession as a first time user, your posts were briefly flagged as potential spam.They also appear to have been verified as legitimate the same day; apologies for the confusion or concern this may have caused, it should be a one time thing.
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • Hello cajund,


    We've started an internal discussion if we need to implement a different or better interface for this kind of configuration in flyway.

    For the moment, the most scalable path of least resistance in our estimation is scripting the change as opposed to recomposing, and then inserting that via a Docker entry point.


    This does admittedly have a slightly higher initial setup cost if the user isn't familiar with scripting environmental alterations.


    Using your example, writing the certs to the keystore in a bash script called and then including it in the initial flyway invocation. 

    docker run -v ".\" "--entrypoint=/flyway/" redgate/flyway

    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • cajundcajund Posts: 14 New member
    Thanks for the reply.

    I did take this approach (or a similar one), there are details in my other posting:

    I was running into command issues saving to the keystore. Perhaps there's an example available?

    I also think that PR I provided on that other thread was attempting to do the same thing, but I fear it's out of date.

    Thanks again.

  • Regarding the keystore itself, no I'm afraid we don't have any, hopefully the manufacturer does.

    I'll ask our Java devs if they have any ideas regarding the InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, even though it's not part of our namespace, they might have encountered it.
    Kind regards
    Peter Laws | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • squigleysquigley Posts: 251 Gold 1
    edited November 16, 2023 7:12PM
    Thanks for your patience with this as we've heard the following from our Java devs:
    Apparently that error can happen if the keystore file they specified is empty or can't be found.
     In their case, if they're running that command as part of, then they'll need to make sure that ./rds-ca-bundle.pem is located inside the docker container. So they'll need to mount another volume in their docker command:
    -v ./rds-ca-bundle.pem:./rds-ca-bundle.pem
    Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Sean Quigley | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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