Update has caused Prompt to stop working

I updated my SQL Prompt to this morning and following the update SQL Prompt no longer works.  Clicking refresh doesn't do anything nor do I get suggestions for my queries except Snippets.

SQL Prompt
SQL Server Management Studio 15.0.18424.0


  • jcbakerjcbaker Posts: 2 Bronze 1
    This happened to me this morning. The loading box in the lower right no longer shows, and I have no suggestions from the database I'm in. ctrl+sft+d doesn't cause it to load.
  • ATurnerATurner Posts: 202 Silver 2
    edited August 1, 2023 4:07PM
    Hi All, what authentication method are you using to these servers? Also are they hosted locally? 
  • jcbakerjcbaker Posts: 2 Bronze 1
    edited August 1, 2023 4:26PM
    SQL auth, not hosted locally. I reverted to 10.13.10 and it's working again. I discovered when warning others at my company that they'd already experienced this.
  • lboudreauxlboudreaux Posts: 2 Bronze 1
    edited August 1, 2023 4:58PM
    Using Windows Authentication and not hosted locally.

    Just discovered I had to update my connections to select Trust Certificate and it works now.
  • NSRjecrossNSRjecross Posts: 4 Bronze 1
    edited August 3, 2023 8:30AM
    Same for me - ssms v18.12.1 and I'm no longer getting table prompts. When I do a refresh suggestions it pops up the server query window for just a fraction of a second (too fast to have actually worked). I've also tried disabling the labs beta features for auto refresh suggestions and  refresh intellisense suggestions automatically. Didn't seem to make a difference. Using windows auth to sqlserver 15.0.4
    Edit - Yes the suggestion above for change connection option to trust server certificate seems to have it working again but this has never been an issue in the past.
  • challmanchallman Posts: 5 Bronze 1
    I'm having problems with the latest update. SnippetManager dialog hung and wouldn't allow cancel. I had to shutdown SQL server to get rid of it.
    Also, when I create a new snippet and save, it gives me some error message but ultimately saves the snippet.
    Please send an update to the update 
  • Hi All

    Can you confirm if the issue persists on 10.13.13 as there were some fixes here. 
  • Hi All

    To resolve this you will need to trust the server certificate upon connection within SSMS.

  • ATurner said:
    Hi All

    To resolve this you will need to trust the server certificate upon connection within SSMS.

    Doesn't work for me.  Still not getting any suggestions to show up besides the default stuff.
  • EricZEricZ Posts: 1 New member
    edited November 3, 2023 12:50PM
    Any updates? 
    I am also experiencing this issue using v10.13.16.3650 of SQL Prompt;
    using in SSMS v19.156.0;
    connecting to Azure DBs via "Azure Active Directory - Universal with MFA"
    I do have "Trust server certificate" checked.

    [EDIT: After restoring all SQL Prompts settings to default and closing/restarting SSMS, magically, things started working again]
  • Jim_McJim_Mc Posts: 1 New member
    Encrypting the connection and selecting the trust certificate did not work for me. Still only get intellisense for snippits, no table column names.
  • mjnincmjninc Posts: 16 Bronze 1
    edited November 28, 2023 1:02PM
    SQL Prompt Suggestions / Intellisense is not working for me when I hover over an object. I can still format however.

    Encrypting the connection and selecting the trust certificate did not work for me.  I also don't get any snippets.

    I'm running version
  • michaeldyemichaeldye Posts: 10 Bronze 2
    Hi all,
    I'm getting the same after the latest upgrade...

    2023-12-05 17:51:14.335 +00:00 [Information] Launching package entry point Ssms18 (version 15.0.18424.0) for SQL Prompt
    2023-12-05 17:51:16.133 +00:00 [Information] SqlPromptApplication initialised (startup took 0:0:0.0)
    2023-12-05 17:51:36.168 +00:00 [Information] Sql History initialized successfully
    2023-12-05 17:51:37.970 +00:00 [Information] Created new ServerCandidate for server: XYZ
    2023-12-05 17:51:38.234 +00:00 [Warning] Failed to load server XYZ
    Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.)

    I've set both encrypted and trust server certificate to no avail!

    Thanks, Dr. Michael Dye.
  • Hello! Another victim of the latest update.

    I updated to yesterday and my suggestions stopped for Azure Synapse (PDW) databases.  Also hangs when suggestion load is trying to connect to 'master'.

    Any help is appreciated.  Below are log entries.

    Error Number:104385,State:1,Class:16
    2024-01-30 10:21:15.654 -05:00 [Information] Chosen server capabilities "PDW"
    2024-01-30 10:21:15.654 -05:00 [Information] Server does not support getting list of collations
    2024-01-30 10:21:15.931 -05:00 [Information] Server does not support linking to other servers
    2024-01-30 10:21:15.931 -05:00 [Information] Login suggestions are not supported for "PDW" servers
    2024-01-30 10:21:15.998 -05:00 [Warning] Couldn't populate resource pools.
    Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Catalog view 'resource_governor_resource_pools' is not supported in this version.
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData()
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString, Boolean isInternal, Boolean forDescribeParameterEncryption, Boolean shouldCacheForAlwaysEncrypted)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry, SqlDataReader ds, Boolean describeParameterEncryptionRequest)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean& usedCache, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
       at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Cache.Candidates.ServerCandidate.PopulateResourcePools(SqlConnection serverLevelConnection)
    Error Number:104385,State:1,Class:16
    2024-01-30 10:21:16.138 -05:00 [Warning] Failed to load server a*************v.database.windows.net
    Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Catalog view 'dm_xe_object_columns' is not supported in this version.
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData()
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString, Boolean isInternal, Boolean forDescribeParameterEncryption, Boolean shouldCacheForAlwaysEncrypted)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry, SqlDataReader ds, Boolean describeParameterEncryptionRequest)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean& usedCache, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)
       at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
       at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Cache.Candidates.ServerCandidate.GetPackageFromDatabase(SqlConnection serverLevelConnection)
       at RedGate.SqlPrompt.Cache.Candidates.ServerCandidate.LoadServer()
    Error Number:104385,State:1,Class:16

  • RobertZRobertZ Posts: 2 New member
    Experiencing the same issue.
    No suggestions and the refresh suggestion box gets stuck on "Connecting...".
    Working on SSMS 18.12.1 and with SQL Prompt version

    The earlier provided suggestion on connection options doesn't resolve the issue for me.
  • marthinusmarthinus Posts: 6 Bronze 1
    I'm seeing the same error after updating to
    setting the option of "Trust server certificate" made no difference.
    setting the option of "Encrypt Connection" made no difference, apart from making things slow.
    setting both "Trust server certificate" and "Encrypt Connection" made no difference.

  • RobertZRobertZ Posts: 2 New member
    For me this was solved by downloading the SQL Toolbelt Essentials installer from the RedGate website to update all packages. SQL Prompt itself did not need updating, but the overall Toolbelt update did resolve my issue with Prompt.

  • SueDSueD Posts: 1 New member
    Restoring defaults under Suggestions -> Behaviour worked for me 
  • I have SQL prompt version with this issue. "loading ..."
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