SQL Change Automation: releast to Azure SQL DB with AAD authentication only

I am currently investigating whether SQL Change Automation can deploy to an Azure SQL Server that only allows Azure AD authentication via Azure DevOps using the Redgate-provided extension. The options listed below are the only ones allowed for authentication(screenshot). I hope someone could share their experience on how they achieved this via Azure DevOps using the Redgate extension.

Best Answer
auwi Posts: 2 New member
Hi @DanC
i was able to find a way using the Azure Active Directory Password Authentication.
i need An AD account that has a non-interactive or disabled 2factor auth like a service account. if it is coming from onprem AD just make sure to sync that account to AAD to able to use in AZDO.
Unfortunately, this method of auth isn't supported by SQL Change Automation in the pipelines.
If you wish to use Azure AD for deployments I would advise using Flyway
Kind regards
Dan Calver | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
Unfortunately, there's no current plans to support this, and I would advise having a look into Flyway
Kind regards
Dan Calver | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
I found this issue and I think it's related to my case. But only difference is I'm using Octopus deploy. Is there any documentation on how to implement this kind of setup in Octopus deploy?
Hope to hear from you soon!
Btw, here's the error I got after shifting to AAD auth.
and here's the script I used to deploy my script..
Thank you!