SQL Prompt 10.13.11 not autocompleting servers or stored procs

updated today from the previous version, and now it will not autofill any DB or stored proc... only snippets are working for autocomplete


  • AlkamistWFAlkamistWF Posts: 4 New member
    edited July 11, 2023 5:37PM
    additionally it is not restoring sessions anymore! please help

  • Woody___Woody___ Posts: 3 Bronze 1
    edited July 13, 2023 3:28AM
    Restarted SSMS and still an error loading or refreshning the SQL prompt cache. I get the following error:

    Could not load file or assembly 'System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

    Please fix this or provide a link to download the previous version.
  • siwallwosiwallwo Posts: 3 New member
    I'm having similar issues with Suggestions no longer loading, it only appears to relate to a 2012 server, any help would be appreciated or a link to the previous version 
  • AlkamistWFAlkamistWF Posts: 4 New member
    edited July 13, 2023 12:54PM
    I was on SSMS 18.12, another thread sounded similar and suggested aama 19.1. that fixed it for me, but it came with a host of other headaches.. I wish they would fix this for 18.x!!


  • djamesb11djamesb11 Posts: 1 New member
    Yes i'm seeing the same issue with 10.13.11 using sql 18.12.1.   Suggestions are not working at all.  If I try to refresh suggestions it won't connect
  • Thomas_CThomas_C Posts: 3 New member
    just piling on here in hopes for a fast fix -- the latest SQL prompt ( is no longer providing suggestions nor will columns appear in the column dialog pop-up which I presume is driven by the fact that SQL Prompt no longer seems to be indexing DB objects. 

    This shutsdown SQL Prompt "intellisense" feature which mostly nullifies its use.  Yes, snippets seem to be working somewhat but it could also be that only the default built-in snips seem to be the only snips working because trying to use a user/custom snip today and it would not expand/recognize.

    Everything, and I mean everything, was working prior to me upgrading on Friday.
    DB version has not changed.
    DB config has not changed (best anyone of our DBAs can tell).
    SSMS has not been upgraded or reconfigured.

    The SQLPrompt Intellisense capability for Visual Studio 2022 still seems to be mostly intact (have not extensively tested, but column, table, alias, some snip expansion and suggestions work still) but it is dead on arrival in nearly all use-cases for SSMS.
  • AlkamistWFAlkamistWF Posts: 4 New member
    updating SSMS to 19.1 did fix this for me, but had other issues... I really wish RedGate would fix this, or allow us to download the previous version of 10.12.x
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