Log reuse wait NOTHING

in SQL Doc
Hi guys,
can you please remove "Log reuse wait NOTHING" from the overview of the database. It makes no sense since this property is a wait type.
Thank you!
can you please remove "Log reuse wait NOTHING" from the overview of the database. It makes no sense since this property is a wait type.
Thank you!
Thanks for reaching out to us on this.
I'm checking this with our development team and will come back to you as soon as I have a response.
Dan Jary | Redgate Software
Have you visited our Help Center?
Thanks for your patience with us on this.
I'm pleased to advise that this has been addressed in the latest version of SQL Doc: https://download.red-gate.com/checkforupdates/SQLDoc/SQLDoc_5.2.8.3555.exe. If you could check this at your side, that would be greatly appreciated.
Dan Jary | Redgate Software
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