Cloud Storage Setting getting " The remote server returned an error (400) Bad Request
Posts: 2 Bronze 1
trying to setup cloud uploads to Azure Storage account but getting
" The remote server returned an error (400) Bad Request"
trying to setup cloud uploads to Azure Storage account but getting
" The remote server returned an error (400) Bad Request"
C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Backup 10\<instance name>\
Open the file named log4backup.config. Change the restrictedToMinimumLevel setting to debug.
Now open a command prompt window and navigate to the same folder. Run the following:
sqbhostedstorageclient.exe authorize --instance <SQL Server instance name> --azure "<Azure account name>" "<Azure access key>" "<blob container name>"
replacing <SQL Server instance name>, <Azure account name>, <Azure access key>, and <blob container name> with your values.
Run the command, and a detailed log will be generated in the C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\Logs\SQL Backup 10\ folder. Send us that log so we can see where the authorization process is failing in detail.
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