Minimum permissions for SQL Response users
Posts: 3
I may have missed this in the docs and on the forums but what are the minimum permissions I need to give to an SQL user and a Windows user to allow SQL Response to operate correctly ?
The docs all seem to use SA accounts but that seems a bit too open.
I guess the SQL user will have additional requirements if we want to run SQL Profile Traces too. Please could someone let me know what these are.
Many thanks in advance,
The docs all seem to use SA accounts but that seems a bit too open.
I guess the SQL user will have additional requirements if we want to run SQL Profile Traces too. Please could someone let me know what these are.
Many thanks in advance,
Comments ... _Setup.pdf
Many thanks,
While we're at it, the Windows account on the Repository server doesn't really need full Administrator rights either, does it? Just to run the service? I'm sure there's a specific set of rights that's really required but difficult to define/support? And the SQL Server account on that server? Obviously it doesn't really require full sysadmin rights either, especially after installation?
I'm assuming that at some point one of your developers wrote the scripts that would create the SQL Server Roles and Windows rights with exactly the privileges required for Response to work, but it proved too unwieldy to support.
Could you post those scripts please?