SQL Promt - Load Suggestions takes too long in SSMS

in SQL Prompt
I a using SQL Prompt with Sql Server Management Studio.
Every time i am opening a New Query window from SSMS, i have to waiting between 20-40 seconds for SQL Prompt in order to load the suggestions.
Basically, i cannot do anything during this period because the database is huge and i dont know all the table and schema names from memory.
I did not had this problem within the last years when i worked from the office becuase the connection was fast as i was directly included in the network.
Now i am working remote, using a VPN, and this is the reasom for which SQL Prompt loads the suggestions so slow.
I would like to have an option, to load the suggestions a single time for a specific database, not every time i am opening a New Query window in SSMS.
If i want to refresh the suggestions i can manually do it using CTR + SHIFT + D
I'm sorry to hear you are having issues with SQL Prompt! Thanks for reaching out to us regarding this.
You mentioned that your database is huge, are you able to confirm how large it is?
You also mentioned that you are now working remotely over a VPN, I agree that this would appear to be a/the cause of the issue you are seeing. If you disable suggestions for a few seconds and then re-enable it (to clear the cache), do you see any performance improvements? Also, does disabling any SQL Prompt features (like Code Analysis) make any difference to the performance?
Finally, would you mind enabling Verbose logging (https://documentation.red-gate.com/sp10/troubleshooting/finding-the-sql-prompt-log-files#:~:text=If%20you're%20troubleshooting%20a,and%20produces%20larger%20log%20files), recreating the issue you are seeing, and providing the resulting log file?
Dan Jary | Redgate Software
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