TrustServerCertificate not working in sqlcompare cmd line 15.0.2+

Connecting to a server through setting /server2:"{omitted},1433;TrustServerCertificate=true;Encrypt=true" no longer works in cli versions 15.0.2 and up, server certificate validation fails.
Doing the exact same (arguments) on version 15.0.0 and lower succesfully compares databases.
Interestingly enough, using a .scp file to supply the arguments and omitting any datasource2 options does make 15.0.2+ work.
Doing the exact same (arguments) on version 15.0.0 and lower succesfully compares databases.
Interestingly enough, using a .scp file to supply the arguments and omitting any datasource2 options does make 15.0.2+ work.
Thanks for your post.
Please could I ask what the error is your are getting? That is, presuming an error is shown. And also, what interface (CMD, Powershell etc) you are using?
I hope we can shed some light on this!
On ubuntu (bash with dotnet /app/SQLCompare.dll) it gives a more generic error about the pre-login handshake failing after succesfully connecting
Are you able to patch into v15.0.5 at your earliest convenience and verify if this issue has been resolved
Download link available here:
Could not connect to azure sql managed instance using an sql username and password
Once I specified 15.0.0 the error went away