SQL History
in SQL Prompt
I noticed recently that SQL History is now saving multiple times per second, saving a different version every time I type some code. Is there a way to adjust the time to save at a longer interval or to save to the same file that I'm working on instead of creating dozens of copies in the history?
Thank you,
Thank you,
Hi @Georgeh
Thanks for reaching out on the Redgate forums regarding your SQL History questions.
At this point there isn't a way to change the interval and appears that the query history is manually updated with a new timestamp when focus changes from the query, at point of execution and also possibly automatically at an undefined interval.
The history of each query is trimmed periodically to improve performance and reduce space usage. This happens automatically and at present there is no options to modify its behavior.
This functionality was added just recently in v10.13 as an overhaul of Tab History and is potentially going to expand with features as part of future releases of SQL Prompt.
I've been unable to ascertain a roadmap on what this may include but it would be worth posting up feature requests on our UserVoice page for better visibility to our development teams.
Redgate product development teams use the feedback provided on UserVoice to help determine features and functionality of our software that would make your everyday processes quicker & easier.
SQL Prompt requests can be posted here - https://redgate.uservoice.com/forums/94413-sql-prompt