Not finding data in table columns

csscss Posts: 1 New member
edited November 18, 2022 2:19AM in SQL Prompt in ADS
In Azure Data Studio - I have the correct search context "localhost, MyDbName"

When I try to search for a data value across all tables (i.e. "ABCD") - the search does not return  the tables and columns  that contain that value.   Maybe I am confusing it with the SSMS addin features versus ADS.

Is there a different command, parameter or prompt I should run?



  • Hi @css,

    Thanks for reaching out to us regarding this. Our sincere apology for the delay in responding to you!

    Just to aid my understanding here, are you able to provide a screenshot showing an example search?

    Also, what versions of ADS and SQL Search do you currently have installed? 
    Kind regards

    Dan Jary | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?

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