How can I get the query clear text from sql Monitor tables/ view
How can I get the query clear text from sql Monitor tables/ view to use it further downstream in my setup
SQL views/table is [data].[AzureManagedInstance_SqlText_Instances_InstanceDateRange
How can I get the query clear text from sql Monitor tables/ view to use it further downstream in my setup
SQL views/table is [data].[AzureManagedInstance_SqlText_Instances_InstanceDateRange
We don't currently support directly querying the data repository at this time, however I have provided similar information on decompressing the _QueryText fields in the forum previously (remove the <div> elements that the forum added) and you should be able to apply to the various tables.
The xxx_InstanceDateRange you mention there is a function that returns a table of instances of that sampler between that time range rather than being a table or view.
Kind regards,
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